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15. 000 boliger og 7. 500 nye arbeidsplasser. Asplan Viak og ordførerne i Voss og Vaksdal har gjennomført en helt ny mulighetsstudie, som viser hvilke muligheter som ny jernbane kan gi.


In December 2015 it Became clear That the government is committed Rail Administration, Norwegian Public Roads Administration and the municipalities Desired option for new rail and road between Bergen and Voss, alternative R5. Meanwhile it Became clear That the Bergen region to be rethought. On booking the County Governor Lars Sponheim, has Voss- and Vaksdal municipality Asked Asplan Viak analyze how the new stop on the Bergen Line will ask comfortable two Develop as natural district centers around the big city Bergen. Linking In future there will be only 20 minutes between the citycenter and Stanghelle. This corresponde to the distance between the center and Paradise station on LRT. Vaksdal willonly pray 15 minutes away, while Voss will be 37 minutes away, as far as Bergen Airport Flesland. The qualities of “Eastern Region” ice formidable, near the train Creates from the various stations two Bergen and Voss Connects the hinterland of Hordaland together again, and we know thatthis is attractive opportunities for developers and homebuyers. Not to forget the opportunities affordable commuting will entail. -Folketallsvekst is what it takes two Develop private and public service. New Vossa Court draws us closer to Bergen. Opportunity study pointing to resilient solutions. I never envisioned anything like that. The choices we make thisyear, willhave Implications for the growth we can get up Thurs 2040 , says the mayor of Vaksdal, Eirik Haga. Sustainability in every aspect This is a development we need in our region. With this project we hope everyone Involved two put a positive focus on the region’s most sustainable urban spaces. – One can not build environmentally friendly housing in a car-based area. Sustainable urban development is all about sustainability at all levels. Vaksdal and Voss is the key for sustainable growth in our region. Government investment in the railway makes it all possible, “says Fredrik Barth, head of urban development in Asplan Viak. Voss could be Developed into a large and vibrant bygdeby the east, with a population thatwill be greater than the whole municipality of Molde. – We standing on the threshold of something new. It is now that we must seize the opportunity, it is now that we can shape the future. it is now that we Decide what we want with our municipality for the next 50 years, says Hans Erik Ringkjøb, Mayor of Voss. Possibility program builds on the following Constantly four conditions: 1 ) All the people in the Bergen region That can not be resettled in sustainable areas, should be resettled along the new station towns. this amounts two over 30,000 people. 2) All underground mass driven out of the new tunnel on the Bergen Railway to be exceptionally locally. this ENSURE economic feasibility, and preventer large transport emissions. 3) All buildings and residences will ask Developed as “glory homes,” it meansthat They can be incorporated and purchased cheaper and have more quality than homes elsewhere in the region. 4) All new buildings must interst in areas where rail has proven a competitive advantage as Means of transport. These four conditions ensur That the Bergen region developer in a sustainable direction. Source Asplan Viak